Stay up to date with the latest program news!
Phased Payment Policy Update
ESA CAM has announced a phased payment policy amendment to help properties that are experiencing permit inspection delays.
Taking Action on Energy Upgrades
When it comes to energy efficiency, lighting may be the first upgrade opportunity that comes to mind. However, ESA CAM’s eligible measures list goes deeper than lighting upgrades. Find out how one San Francisco property is leveraging ESA CAM funds to make major property upgrades.
Three Steps to Incentive Reservation
You’ve filled out an ESA CAM interest form. What can you expect next? There are typically three steps to complete before incentive reservation. Your project’s case manager will guide you through the process.
Housing California 2019
The PG&E multifamily programs team attended the 40th Annual Housing California Conference on April 16-17 in Sacramento. Every year, the conference brings together affordable housing developers, community organizations, local governments, and other stakeholders to discuss key affordable housing issues.