Stay up to date with the latest program news!
ESA In-Unit Overview of Benefits and Resources
ESA CAM provides funding for common area and central system upgrades, while ESA In-Unit focuses on upgrades within residential units. Both programs can work together to help property owners understand their no-cost energy efficiency upgrade opportunities.
How to Improve the Quality of Lighting Installations in Multifamily Common Areas
It’s widely accepted that LED lighting is one of the “low hanging fruit” of energy efficiency. Upgrading conventional lighting, such as incandescent, halogen and florescent, in buildings to LED is a simple and effective way to substantially reduce electricity consumption and have impactful non-energy related advantages.
What is HERS compliance and how to ensure your multifamily HVAC system meets code requirements?
PG&E’s Energy Savings Assistance Common Area Measures (ESA CAM) program incentivizes up to 100% of upgrade costs for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment installed at eligible low-income multifamily properties.
What is PG&E Program Layering?
PG&E program layering is when a multifamily customer or property owner is able to participate in multiple energy-saving programs to achieve greater project cost savings through available incentive opportunities.
ESA CAM Celebrates 500 Buildings Milestone
To celebrate a major ESA CAM milestone of completing energy efficiency retrofits (i.e., treatments) that service residents in more than 500 multifamily buildings, we would like to share a recap of the program’s progress to-date as well as some non-energy related benefits of completing these treatments.
Phased Payment Policy Update
ESA CAM has announced a phased payment policy amendment to help properties that are experiencing permit inspection delays.