After your project completes construction, verification is the final step before you receive your incentive payment. Verification is a key step to make sure your project has completed the approved scope of work, in compliance with ESA CAM Policies and Procedures. Below are three tips to make sure the verification process goes smoothly and incentive payment isn’t delayed. 

1. Communicate with your case manager and project teams

Communicate with your case manager regularly via email or phone. ESA CAM sets up calls with project teams both pre-construction and at 50% construction completion to ensure that all aspects of the scope and timeline are on track to complete construction according to the date identified on the Project Approval Letter. Please do not hesitate to ask for support outside of these meetings for clarification on program requirements. 

Communicating with your construction team on a regular basis can also help verify that all installed measures meet the efficiency requirements and are approved measures in your Project Approval Letter. If any changes occurred during construction, contact your case manager as soon as possible to submit a change order. Changes include anything pertaining to project cost, equipment type, quantity, or timeline. Change orders are approved on a case-by-case basis (see ESA CAM Policies and Procedures section 2.4.1 Change Orders for more information). 

Lastly, make sure your appointed project point of contact (POC) is available to respond quickly throughout the construction and verification process to ensure all issues are addressed efficiently. 

2. Submit a complete and detailed verification package

Missing or incomplete documents in your verification package will delay the verification process and payment timeline. Use the ESA CAM Verification Package Checklist below to ensure all appropriate documents are included and prepared out appropriately according to the requirements below. 

Document Verification Purpose Document Requirements
1. Application Confirm incentive
Incentive assignment box must be checked on the
Project’s application if the incentive is assigned to the
2. W9 Confirm payee information Must match the incentive recipient listed on the Application.
3. PG&E Utility Bills Confirm active SA IDs. PG&E bills are required at the time of application to confirm active SA ID accounts.
4. Customer Verification Tool Confirm scope of work,
incentive totals, and
changes at verification.
Customer Verification Tool used to compare invoiced quantities, costs, model numbers, etc., to ESA CAM Approved scope of work.
5. ESA CAM Verification
Photo Template
Confirm installation
locations and model
Must include representation of each installed measure on site. Model and/or serial numbers must be visible and align with approved scope.
6. Cut Sheets Confirms measure
efficiency and use-type
Include spec sheets for all installed equipment on site. Model numbers on spec sheets must match invoices and photos.
7. Closed Permits Confirm permits are closed
and all measures complied
with local jurisdiction
Ensure the copies of closed permits have a signature from the inspector with the sign-off date. Closed permits must include copies of permit fees.
8. Invoices Confirm the customer is
billed for the approved ESA
CAM funding levels.
Invoices must have material, labor, and additional services as separate line items. Costs must align with the Customer Verification Tool. Invoices must include model numbers with associated measures and due upon receipt terms noted.
9. HERS Certification Form Confirm HERS testing
results passed and forms
have been filed with
appropriate entities.
Must include project site information and show passing HERS results for the applicable measures.
10. Verification & Certification Form Confirm incentive total,
scope of work, incentive
recipient and HVAC
permitting requirements.
Property representative must complete the verification form. Each measure total must align with the totals in Customer Verification Tool. California Public Utilities Commission requires incentive recipient and HVAC installing or overseeing contractor to certify project compliance.

Additionally, case managers will provide each project with the ESA CAM Sample Verification Package. The Sample Verification Package provides an example of a high quality, complete and accurate submittal. By following the example set by the Sample Verification Package, you can ensure your own verification package can be reviewed quickly to speed incentive payment. 

3. Ensure invoices match your submitted bids and approved incentive.

A common mistake found in the verification process is when invoices do not match the submitted bids and approved incentives. To avoid any issues, we suggest utilizing the resources provided to prepare your project accordingly and avoid payment delay. Also, don’t forget that communicating with your construction team on a regular basis will allow you to verify that all installed measures meet efficiency requirements prior to verification package submittal.  

Also included in the ESA CAM Sample Verification Package is the ESA CAM Customer Verification Tool. This tool was designed to help both teams confirm if your approved material and labor line items align with your invoice totals. 

For further clarity on what is required in the Verification Package, please watch our verification training modules for  step by step video tutorials that provide instructions and additional tips to ensure a successful verification process. All program support materials, including past webinars on the verification process, can be found under the resources tab of the ESA CAM website. 

By communicating regularly with your case manager and using the resources provided prior to submittal, your team will have a much smoother time moving through the verification process by ensuring a complete verification package for your project. And please don’t hesitate to reach out to your case manager for any questions about the verification process.