How to Ensure a Smooth Construction Completion to Payment Process

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After a project completes construction, verification is the final step before receiving incentive payment.

Verification is a key step for property owners, and contractors, to ensure the Multifamily Energy Savings project has completed the approved scope of work and is ready to be verified for payment. Below are three best practices for a smooth post-construction project verification.

1. Communicate with your energy advisor

Communicate with your energy advisor via email and phone regularly. Energy advisors schedule a series of calls with project teams – including a pre-construction kick-off, at 50% construction check-in, and again at 100% construction completion to ensure that the scope and timeline are on track according to the timeline included in each Project Approval Letter. Energy advisors also provide ample support outside of these meetings to ensure customers understand program requirements and deadlines.

Communicating with your construction team on a regular basis also helps ensure work being performed aligns with the scope of work and measure specifications approved by the energy advisor. Regular communication with the construction team also helps with identifying any changes that may occur during construction This is important because change orders must be submitted to energy advisors at least 30 days prior to the construction end date included in the Project Approval Letter.

Lastly, make sure you assign a primary point of contact to the project who will work closely with the energy advisor and be able to respond quickly throughout construction and verification.

*Additional tip for projects that require permits – Notify your energy advisor of the permit inspection schedule once it is confirmed with the jurisdiction. See more information on closed permit requirements on the Verification Package Checklist. Download the Verification Package Checklist.

2. Use the Verification Package Checklist

Missing or incomplete documents in your verification package can delay payment. Multifamily Energy Savings provides each customer with a checklist you can use to confirm all required documents.

Document Verification Purpose Document Requirements
1. Property-level Application & POA Confirm incentive payee. Incentive payee is included on the Property Application.
2. W9 Confirm payee information. Must match the incentive payee listed on the Property Application.
3. Utility bills Confirm active account. Utility bills are required at the time of application to confirm active accounts.
4. Measure specification sheets Confirm measure meets program efficiency and use-type requirements. Include specification sheets for all approved and installed equipment. Model numbers on specification sheets must match invoices and photos. If applicable, provide AHRI certificate with reference number for HVAC.
5. Project verification 
Confirm completed scope of work and total project costs. Property owner/representative must complete the verification form.
6. Verification photo template Confirm installation locations and model numbers. Must include representation of each installed measure on site. Model and/or serial numbers must be visible and align with approved scope.
7. Invoices Confirm the total cost of the project. Invoices must include a breakdown between materials and labor and represent the total cost to install the work, not just the incentive value.
8. Closed permits Confirm permits are closed and all measures complied with local jurisdiction regulations. Ensure closed permits have a signature from the inspector with the sign-off date. Closed permits must include copies of permit fees.
9. Incentive recipient certification Certifies the work is complete and complies with permitting and licensing requirements. Incentive recipient completes and signs.
10. Project HVAC certification form Confirm project complied with applicable HVAC permitting requirements and installing contractor had required license. Installing contractor completes and signs.
11. HERS certification form Confirm project has met HERS requirements. Provide certificate of compliance and certificate of verification: CF-1R and CF-3R for residential systems, NRCC-MCH-E and NRCV-MCH-04 for non-residential systems.

3. Reference the Sample Verification Package

Energy advisors will also provide each customer with theMultifamily Energy Savings Sample Verification Package. The Sample Verification Package provides an example of a complete and accurate submittal. By following this example, you can ensure your own verification package can be reviewed quickly. 

The Multifamily Energy Savings program aims to provide affordable housing properties with no-cost and reduced-cost energy efficiency upgrades to eligible properties and residents in California. Visit our resources page for more information on qualifying equipment that lowers energy costs and consumption. Ready to start a project? Submit an interest form today.

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