Multifamily Energy Savings

Multifamily Energy Savings

Energy saving upgrades for qualifying multifamily households and properties

The Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Multifamily Energy Savings program provides no-cost and reduced-cost energy efficiency upgrades and project assistance to eligible affordable multifamily properties and residents in California.  

Exterior view of multifamily homes

Income-qualifying properties can receive no-cost energy assessments and technical assistance, in addition to:

  • No-cost energy efficiency, appliance, and weatherization upgrades to residential units; and

  • Qualifying energy efficiency and weatherization improvements to property common areas including community and laundry rooms, leasing offices, hallways, attics/walls, outdoor recreation areas, parking lots, and central heating and cooling systems.

Energy saving upgrades for income-qualified properties

Energy upgrades reduce energy costs and can improve the health, comfort and safety of affordable multifamily homes and common areas. The program serves deed-restricted and non-deed-restricted properties in Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and Southern California Gas (SoCal Gas) service territories.


Ready to start your project?

Submit an interest form to have your property or unit screened for eligibility.


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